Masseter (Chewing muscle)
Time: Every 4-6 months
Price: From $395 to $450 per treatment
Downtime: No downtime, often the pain is relieved shortly after the treatment, similar to the effects of acupuncture.

The perfect treatment for those who suffer from pain caused by jaw clenching, or teeth grinding especially for those who grind their teeth at night. The other desirable effect is lower face slimming, together with correcting facial proportions and balance. No more mouthguards!
The downside of reducing the masseters in some patients especially as we age is the lower face can lose support and jowls can appear worse.

How do you know if you need a masseter treatment?
The masseter or chewing muscle will feel rock hard especially when clenching. Often your dentist will notice that your teeth are showing signs of wearing down or even cracking, especially with the night grinders. Others can experience jaw pain or headaches from clenching their teeth during periods of stress.
